The FNEM launches the program “Places of Virtual Market” (VMP) Morocco


The FNEM launches the program “Places of Virtual Market” (VMP) Morocco (

Based on the results of several studies carried out by the International Trade Centre “ITC” (Agency under the WTO and the United Nations), the National Federation of the digital economy in Morocco (FNEM) launches the Moroccan program of spaces of Virtual Market” VMP” (virtual marketplaces) which is born from the ashes of the former program Vmp, initiated by the International Trade Centre (ITC) and the World Bank and financed by the Fund for the transition in the Middle East and North Africa of the partnership of Deauville, and which was the development of exports of 200 Moroccan SMES in order to take better advantage of the opportunities offered by through the places of virtual market the more in sight, in collaboration with the Moroccan Ministry Delegate in charge of the external trade. The former program VMP began in April 2015 and ended in March 2017, without achieving its objectives.

Anything has an End. And the whole thing has a beginning.

As well, the FNEM resumed today the torch and launches a program VMP Morocco with objectives ten times greater than that which inspired it.

By placing the bar very high, the Federation launches a great challenge by mobilising all the skills and capacities it has available. Thus, it plans to accompany, from top to bottom, 1000 SMES (the former program aimed 200 SMES), doing their satisfaction a criterion of success of the program. Those who will be selected and which will have to commit to take part in all the activities of the program and to contribute to its success, will benefit from specialised training, coaching and a customised coaching as well as an active presence on places of virtual markets targeted and known for their rate of important traffic (Alibaba, Tradekey, Ebay, Amazon, Etsy, Freelancer…). This visibility confirmed will lead certainly toward the transactions to the export. The mentoring and coaching will be provided by 9 councillors in export specialised in the field of electronic commerce, formed by the ITC, but also by the giants of the e-commerce Hebes, Amazon, Trade Key…

Other objectives of the program: on the 1000 targeted SMES, at least 600 businesses will be able to make sales in line and at least 1000 es – transactions will be paid and delivered through the project. Among the major indicators of the success of this ambitious program, the FNEM aspires to achieve a minimum of $500,000 of sales B2B and B2C during the first year.

The FNEM gives itself the means to match its ambitions. In addition to its expertise in this field recognised by ITC “International Trade Centre” and its method of analysis and engineering e-commerce, which made its reputation in the international as well as its qualified resources mobilised, the Federation has already put in place a plan of self-financing of this program in this sense where in addition to its funds, it will call its partners the classics and the large companies in the sector to contribute to it.
Also, the FNEM will issue a call for expressions of interest to the address of the SMES active in the areas of Products of Terroir, crafts and services (particularly the services based on the ICTS), interested by the electronic commerce or online and by this program, to invite them to remove their application file on the following link: The project will enable SMES chosen to diversify their export markets, develop their export activity and use the marketplaces virtually as innovative means of export which offers real opportunities for the creation of jobs and the creation of sustainable incomes.

In fine, the FNEM launches a second call to the actors of the ecosystem of e-commerce in order to supplement and diversify the existing arrangement of services which will be made available to the beneficiary SMES of the program. The Federation gives for example the successful partnership with the giant of the logistics “DHL” which has granted a substantial reduction of 70 per cent of the cost of delivery of the package to the International.