Who can join?
1) The distance selling companies and e-commerce:
Can be admitted to FNEM, as a member, companies that sell remotely to or from the Moroccan Territory, either directly or by intermediaries. La distance selling as referred, is a form of distribution, in which the commercial offer, whatever its medium, is transmitted remotely and in which all or part of the transaction is performed without physical presence, face to face, the buyer and seller. The means of communication used by distance selling and e-commerce are very varied: catalogue, mailing, ad-press, Internet, SMS, MMS… A proven activity of distance selling of at least one year required.
2) Service and partner providers:
Any company that has an activity directly related to the distance selling or e-commerce can apply for membership in the FNEM as “associate members”.
Associate Member may:
• Participate in various meetings of the Committees and Working Groups
• Benefit from all the general information of FNEM
• Reproduce the logo provided it is linked to the word “associate members”.
Associate members do not have a probationary period. They are not eligible to elected bodies FNEM (Board of Directors, Supervisory Board) and do not vote at general meetings.
The obligations of membership:
Respect of the rules of ethics:
Ethical awareness: By joining the FNEM, the company agrees to comply with the rules of self-discipline reflected in the texts, Professional Code and Quality Charter, approved by the Board of Directors and the General Assembly. The members are working to apply these rules in the most strictly. The use of the logo implies de facto compliance with these rules. FNEM reserves the right at any time to enjoy and control the conditions of use of the emblem and take all the provisions of the Constitution in case of inappropriate use.
Payment of contributions:
Accession implies acceptance of the scale of assessment adopted by the Ordinary General Meeting on the proposal of the Board and, accordingly, the payment of the prescribed fees. The members pay their dues in the month following the call by the FNEM. In the interest of fairness compared to laggards, the shareholders vote annually penalties against them.
How to join the FNEM:
- online via our secure payment platform via CMI, Paypal, M2T, etc.:
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