Ecommerce Invest


Designed to accompany the investors in the sector of the digital economy in Morocco

The FNEM launches the unpublished program ” ‘e-commerce Invest “‘


The National Federation of the digital economy in Morocco (FNEM) announces the launch of a comprehensive program of Council and of information intended to foreign investors, entitled E-commerce Invest. Created in 2018 at the initiative of the President and the Executive Office of the Federation, and controlled by the International Commission.

The Es teams of the FNEM advise and accompany through e-commerce Invest, gratis companies, be they large accounts, start up, start-up, TPE, SMES or PMI, in their project of implantation, investment or development in the sector of the digital economy to the Kingdom of Morocco. In the framework of this program, whose approach has been inspired by that of the AMDI (Moroccan Agency for the development of investments), the FNEM is equipped with three communication media:

A web site dedicated

A presentation and a promotional video. The whole in three languages (Arabic, French and English).

The creation of this program has been dictated by two postulates: On the one hand, the quasi-absence of public information updated on the ecosystem of the digital economy in Morocco. And on the other hand, echoes very favorable from major foreign operators collected by the team of the FNEM during its visits of work in 41 countries around the world.

These investors have been interested by the Morocco destination thanks to the work of communication of quality provided by the Department of Industry, Trade, Investment and the digital economy, the AMDI and Morocco Export. What they lacked as information, this is the data and sectoral statistics on the digital economy. It was also interested in the small investors, SMES, TPE… These two gaps have been filled by the FNEM in the framework of the Program E-commerce Invest.

It must not be forgotten that the Morocco constitutes a door of access to the European market which is the largest market in the world, to the African market which represents one of the relays of global growth and finally to the market in the Arab countries that opens more and more on the international.

The attractiveness of the Moroccan economy is due to the reforms undertaken and conducted during the last ten years, with a view to meet the challenges of globalization and the opening of its economic borders.

Today, Morocco has considerable strengths that do not fail to attract investors from all edges. Invest in Morocco is therefore a real opportunity for investors, where the interest and the usefulness of the Program E-commerce Invest.

The interest and excitement for the Morocco foreign investors – major groups, SMES and TPE specialized in the Electronic Commerce – has been gathered closely by the Executive Office of the FNEM which has received several requests for investment in Morocco, during its visits in work and cooperation in 41 countries around the world, from January 2016 to June 2017, but also during the global ecommerce Association (GEA) held in the margins of the Global Round Table on e-commerce (Global E-Commerce Round Table) on 12 June 2017 in Barcelona.

Within the FNEM, it exists today un single window dedicated to investors wishing to settle in Morocco in the framework of projects related to the sector of the digital economy. The team dedicated to this mission decrypts the operation and the “codes” of the political fabric and socio-economic of the Kingdom and fact of economic intelligence, which enables him to make the necessary information and contacts to the realization of the project. It is also, in relation to the carriers of project with the interlocutors strategic for the development of their activity in Morocco. Then, it passes the information relating to these new settlements with the regional ecosystem.


E-commerce Invest offers the following services:

  • Service of economic information;
  • Accompaniment in the editing phase of investment projects;
  • Accompaniment with local authorities ;
  • Put in contact with experts in law, taxation and accounting;
  • Research and identification of the implantation site;
  • Identification and then put in contact with potential partners ;
  • Support in the search for funding
  • Assistance in the administrative steps
  • Assistance to find offices, of the premises or land
  • Assistance in the identification of a claimant for the storage of the products in E-fulfilment,
  • Assistance in the identification of a claimant for the delivery
  • Assistance in the interfacing with a payment gateway local electronic